Luke 10:38-42 At the Home of Martha and Mary
As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Hello. My name is Renee and I am a recovering perfectionist.
If you were to come to my house between the hours of 1am and 4am, here is what you will find. Everyone is my house asleep, except for me and perhaps and struggling toddler needing mommy's comfort and nourishment (night weaning is rough right now). I will be in bed, laying wide awake, going through all the things I didn't get done yesterday and all the things that need to be done tomorrow, only to realize it is really today. Then the anxiety sets in of wanting to get up and get started on the said all the things but not wanting to wake the sleeping beauties of the house versus the desire to attempt rest so I'm not a grouchy zombie in a few short hours. Why do I have this anxiety and restlessness? Because I'm a Martha that is struggling to be a Mary. I fail A LOT.
I have so much of a servant heart that relationships often struggle and I focus on doing what needs done more than just resting and listening and focusing on others. My friends. My family. My guests. My God even. Growing up, I was always told to "just be yourself " but I quickly figured out that meant "just be who you want to be" so at an early age, my motto became "Be all things to all people".
I got good at it. It got me scholarships. It got me awards. Acquaintances considered me responsible, godly, efficient, loving, cheerful, productive but maybe too rigid and wound too tight.
Ask about my relationship with God. I treasure it but secretly struggle to find that quiet time. Instead of treasuring my time with Him at 2:30am, I'm drowned in the have-to and need-to. Go back to Luke 10:38-42. Are you the Martha or the Mary?
I was raised that out-working everyone will get you further and more in life. For me, not doing SOMETHING was being lazy. But oh to be the Mary and know what really matters and what it means to be in the presence of Jesus.
Here's the deal. Jesus is present with us at all times. We need to take advantage of those times and spend with Him, whether it is while doing the dishes, folding a load of laundry, or nursing that kid at 2:30am. The Martha to-dos can wait for just a little. Jesus is calling us to be a Mary sometimes and just listen for what he reveals to us is something that can never be taken away.
